All purchases from this store go to the ongoing support of the Dystopia Rising network, new content development, and covering the costs of keeping the lights on. It isn’t our goal to make large profits, but we also can’t keep the lights on with just good intent.

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Membership and Buybacks

Advanced Membership Advanced Membership
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Advanced Membership

This 12 month Advanced Membership is an optional yearly membership for Larp License events.

All players start with a basic membership, which provides them with storage of three character slots in our database. With your free basic membership, players can check 1 character in when you are attending a Dystopia Rising Live or other Larp License event. With a basic membership you will gain experience points for the one character you attend the event with only for the game world that the event takes place in. With an Advanced Membership, when you are attending a Dystopia Rising Live or other Larp License event, your experience points earned for attendance are applied to all characters that you have within the Larp License group of events. At an event, after at least 4 hours of play as each character you can change out your character to play a second, or third, character (within allowed CvC and other guidelines).

Membership and access to the database are provided on an as-is basis and are not guaranteed. Membership fees are non-refundable, including in cases where a member is unable to attend games or otherwise utilize their membership benefits.

Q4 2024 Buyback - DR Live Downfall - Illusions of Civility
from $55.00

Hosted in Q4 2024, this event focused on starting the theme of Dystopia Rising to return to its core roots. Zombies, Raiders, and Human Drama. This back-buy purchase provides you with the additional experience points from that event, as well as allows you to help support the ongoing development of new materials for the network as a whole.